Roasted Herb Carrots
Are you ready for THE most delicious vegetables ever? These carrots are to die for, and not just 'pretty good for being a vegetable.' They are spectacular. You see carrots are pretty amazing. They have some natural sugars in them, when roasted, caramelize just like onions do. Here are some carrot facts:
- carrots come in all sorts of colors. we mostly know them as orange, but there are white, purple, yellow and red. ( harmon's grocery store carries rainbow carrots)
-they are an excellent source of vitamin A, providing more than 200% of your daily requirement in just one carrot
-excellent source of beta carotene. the deeper the orange, the higher the beta carotene content
-a medium carrot has 25 calories, 6g of carbohydrates and 2g of fiber
So we all pretty much know carrots are good for us, but I'm guessing that most of you reading this, eat carrots dipped in ranch. Or your kids or spouse say "I'll eat carrots, but I have to dip them in something good." Which, I sort of hate this because it means they really don't want to eat the carrot, but will if its dipped in something high in fat or calories.
Well this carrot recipe will knock their carrot-hating socks off.
True Story: My vegetable hating husband asked, maybe begged me to make a pan of these to bring to a guy only potluck party for the Final 4 game. So like a good wife, I made 5 pounds (!!) of these roasted carrots and guess how many came back when it was That's right, a group of grown men pounded my carrots, amid brownies and ice cream. I would call that a Veggie Lisa success!
The best part about this recipe is the hardest part is peeling the carrots. For real. And I put my kindergartener in charge of that. BAM!
Here is the recipe:
Roasted Herb Carrots
-Preheat oven to 425 degrees
-1 bag of carrots....I usually use about 2.5 pounds (it will fill a cookie sheet) Peel and cut into sticks. and no please under no circumstances use baby carrots. If you have any questions about this follow my Instagram account. I might have broken the internet when I spoke my hatred for baby carrots
-2 TBS olive oil
-Toss on cookie sheet with olive oil. You will want to use a split mat or foil.
Here is the secret to the reason these taste amazing, and its not sugar:
-1/4 cup ranch seasoning
I do not use store bought ones. There are tons of clean and MSG free recipes you can make at home on Pinterest.
-Salt and Pepper to taste
Toss oiled carrots with ranch seasoning and salt and pepper. Shake out pan so they are in a single layer. Then roast for 25 mins. They will be brown and bubbly.
I bought one of those GIANT carrot bags from Costco, because I saw your Costco post and thought I wanted to be like you. ;) Tonight I said I'd cook dinner for another family and thought, "I'm going to try that recipe." THEY ARE DELICIOUS!!!! I should have made more!!!
Nicole that makes me SO happy. Something magical happens when carrots get cooked. They turn delicious!!!
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