Sunday, August 28, 2016

My Favorite Makeup......Ever!

First of all I would like to preface this with the declaration that I am not a beauty blogger. 

Do I love beauty? Yes! 

Am I super picky about the products I chose to put on my face? Absolutely. 

Have I had any training at all when it comes to professionally doing my makeup? Nope!

The most important part of a good makeup system, starts with a good foundation. I have spent oodles of money on mineral foundations that make my skin look dry, and what I have found as I have gotten older (ahem) is the liquid foundation pools in my wrinkles. After a few years bouncing between products, I finally just gave up on foundation all together. I have been fascinated with the idea of 'contouring' but every You Tube video I watched just confused me. Between not knowing which products to buy and ending up with dark streaks randomly on my face, I gave up on my "Kim Kardashian contouring cheekbones of a greek goddess" dream. 

And then I get a gig on TV. 

Ironic, right? Once I month I have to make myself look as good as humanly possible. I have to be there bright and early, so knew hiring a professional to come over every month wouldn't be an option. So now I knew, it was up to me....gulp!

About a year ago, I had heard about a new foundation and countering system developed by a beauty blogger Cara, who runs one of the most popular beauty blogs Maskcara . I had been at a local Pinners conference and attended one of her classes. I couldn't help but notice how flawless her makeup looked. It looked almost if she had no makeup on, but every feature of her face was highlighted so well. All day long she had a line of women at her booth. One by one they walked away looking fantastic, no matter their age. I thought, this is on my list to try!

When I received the products in the mail, I was so excited to open it. The makeup is so perfectly packaged, and I love the fact that I could build my own pallet according to my needs. And you part? Each case is magnetic, so the makeup actually stays together. You can turn the entire pallet upside down and it totally stays in. 

No more crying over spilled Take that toddlers!

As soon as I did, I saw a card explaining exactly how to contour and I went on her website and watched a short video on how to apply the IIID system. I even took my iPad into my bathroom and watched the video about 10 times before I got up the courage to try it. 

I had originally planned for it take about 30 minutes from start to bottom. To my complete shock and surprise, I was done in 10. That concerned me, because I had thought I had done it wrong since it was so easy. Surely you can't get a fresh face of makeup on in 10 minutes. But then I looked in the mirror at the finished product and I was blown away. It was clean, simple and I looked like myself, just a better version. Now that I have had a couple of week of practice I have it down to 7 minutes, which is  crucial to this 'mom of 4 kids'. The only other thing I put on is liner and mascara and I'm out the door.                                                                               



And then the true test came....TV day. 

I was curious to see the changes on camera. I was worried that since it was such a natural look, it wouldn't come through right on film. But guess what, my makeup looked better than ever. 

Natural, simple, and like myself. Isn't that what all women want from their makeup?

I cannot express enough how SIMPLE this system is. With the IIID system, you get a contour shade, foundation, blush and highlight cream. I have never used cream blush before but I will never use the powder stuff again. It goes on so smooth and natural. And the setting powder is the perfect finishing touch! After I am all done, I can literally feel my skin glowing. 

You can find more information on Mascara's makeup line and pricing here. Use code "veggielisa" for 10% off


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