Thursday, May 28, 2015

Homemade Almond Milk

For the past few years I have chosen to drink almond milk instead of cows milk. Here are my reasons why:

  1. Almond milk (unsweetened)contains much less sugar than cows milk)
  2. Almond milk has less cholesterol and calories as opposed to cows milk.  
  3. Almond milk has no saturated fat
  4. Almond milk is naturally lactose free
  5. Almond milk is an excellent source of vitamins A and D
That being said, cows milk will have a higher amount of calcium and protein, which can be important for younger children, therefore I buy whole milk for my children, but my husband and I choose to drink almond milk. The best part, for me, is when I make my protein shakes, I usually always make them with almond milk, as it makes the shake so creamy and rich. Most unsweetened almond milks have roughly between 30-35 calories per cup, so that is a lot of nutritional bang for the buck. 

Lately I have been struggling buying almond milk at the store, because I kept thinking "There has GOT to be an easier (and cheaper) way to do this. Traditionally, almond milk is made first by soaking the almonds and then squeezing the milk out of them..hence almond milk. But last week I was visiting with a friend who is extremely knowledgable about holistic health and she told me about this easy, on the go, quick method to make your own almond milk. Not only is it cheaper, healthier, and better tasting than the ones at the store, but it can literally be made in under a minute. It's pretty genius!

Homemade Almond Milk
  • 2 TBSP almond butter (make sure there are no other ingredients in the almond butter
  • 3 cups water
  • 1-2 dates, pitted
Blend in high powered blender for 1 minute. Like store bought almond milk, separation can occur so shake before drinking

some other fun add ins : cinnamon, cocoa, fresh or frozen berries, vanilla extract or a vanilla bean

That's it! Seriously so easy. Try it out and let me know what you think!!

Veggie Lisa


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